Integration and project management

It is very important not only to choose the high-quality equipment for specific requirements, but also to implement correct integration into the overall system. The period of implementation and start-up affect the total costs of the project, as well as loss of profits at untimely startup. Our company having expertise in the integration of packaging machinery, offers turnkey delivery and project management.
Risk analysis

Potential risks can and should be excluded at the planning stage of the project. The methodology of risk analysis involves many aspects including: a deep analysis, calendar and network planning activities, planning of financial flows and more.
Affordable automation

Each investment project assumes return on investment for a specific period. Whatever the advanced equipment is not always having affordable price. Our job is to find high-quality equipment to specific needs with acceptable payback period. Otherwise, the automation will not make sense because of the long payback period.
Our products it is a tool to maximize your productivity by reducing manual labor.
Automatic product handling by conveyors:
Automatic product handling by robots:

Robotic palletizing

Robotic pick&place

Collaborative robots

SCARA robots
Other equipment:

Automatic case formers

Automatic case sealers

Printing and labelling

Checkweights and combicheckers

Profile systems

Control system


OEE Software
Company UNIMOTION – professional integrator, offering high-quality and flexible solutions to increase the efficiency of your production. Engineered system and complex technical solutions meet the set of rules of good manufacturing practice (GMP), as well as the concept of lean production. The great advantage of this approach is to design systems with the expectation of “tomorrow” to assess the full cost of ownership (TCO) before buying. Hundreds of successful projects, perfect reputation in the industry as well as knowledge a team of professionals give assurance in the building, perhaps the best company in the segment.
Our address: 192012, Russia, St. Petersburg, Karavaevskaya, 23, office 418
Phone: +7 812 407 15 05